Logger library for the gophers
An opinionated logging library for golang. Gologger writes logs as json in the following format
"log_msg":"error happened"
That much info will be how following will be written
logger.Error("error happened")
Installing / Getting started
Just like any other go library
go get github.com/sarathsp06/gologger
But if one needs to get a particular version then use
go get gopkg.in/sarathsp06/gologger.vx #x is the version Number
Here’s a brief intro about what a developer must do in order to start developing the project further:
- Get it using go get or clone
- Make changes and make a pull request with Updated README if feature addition
What’s all the bells and whistles this project can perform? * It can log - Obviously * Easy buffered logging * You can set write to logger for redirecting logs * log message will contain much deeper details like line number of error , process id,host_name etc
How to use
This is how one may use the library
import the package
import logger "github.com/sarathsp06/gologger"
if err := logger.InitLogger("INFO", ".", "sample_logger",true); err != nil {
Log as you wish with formated and normal message
logger.Error("error happened")
logger.Debug("Debug message",":Sasa","sasa")
logger.Info("error happened")
logger.Warning("error happened")
logger.Errorf("error happened %s", "Yo")
logger.Debugf("debug message : %s", "YoYo")
Explore more ….
Here is a sample code
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.